Promote interdisciplinary and international collaboration, re-growth and education within aerosol research,and information to members and the public.
EAC 2019
Call for nominees to the NOSA Early Career Scientists’ (ECS) aerosologist award
The NOSA board has established an ECS aerosologist award for outstanding PhD dissertations in order to recognize and encourage high quality research by ECS. The award is given to one newly graduated PhD every year during the NOSA annual meeting, which in 2019 takes place during the European Aerosol Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden.
This year candidates that have successfully obtained their PhD degree at a Nordic university within 1st of January– 31st of December 2018 will be considered. The topic of the dissertation should be related to aerosol research. The Royal Society of Chemistry journal “Environmental Science – Processes and Impacts” is kindly sponsoring a price of £100 to the 2018 ECS Aerosologist.
Supervisors can nominate candidates by submitting a cover letter by the supervisor of the dissertation work with a short justification for the nomination and a link to an electronic version of the thesis.
PhD graduates can also nominate themselves by submitting a cover letter with a short justification for the nomination and a link to an electronic version of the thesis. The evaluation committee might contact the main supervisor, and contact information for the supervisor should thus also be provided.
The following statements should additionally be submitted if available: the statement of the dissertation grading committee, the statement of the opponent, and the statement of the dissertation pre-reviewers.
All documents should be submitted as one single PDF file to (M. Glasius, NOSA President).
Important date:
The deadline for nominations is 29th of June, 2019.

The European Aerosol Conference (EAC) 2019 is held during 25-30 Aug. Take the opportunity to challenge your brain, create new networks, and maintain existing relations. NOSA together with the Gothenburg Air and Climate network (GAC) welcome aerosol scientists to Gothenburg for the EAC2019. The link to the conference website can be found below.